North Georgia Screams NO to Senate Illegal Alien Amnesty

Date: March 29, 2006
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

March 29, 2006
North Georgia Screams NO to Senate Illegal Alien Amnesty
Massive Response to Online Poll Shows 88% Opposed

88% of Northeast Georgians say the U.S. Senate plan to grant legal status and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants is wrong, while 86% support the House plan to strengthen border and immigration law enforcement.

"This feedback from my constituents is as crystal clear as any feedback on any issue can be," says U.S. Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA9). "We will let the poll continue to run through April 15 to give everyone a chance to respond, but based on the initial flood of feedback, I don't see it changing much. It is also consistent with every legitimate poll I have seen from around the country, in which the heavy majority of Americans are opposed to the Kennedy-McCain approach."

Norwood says the actual number of respondents to the online poll in less than 24 hours shows the intensity of voters' opposition to the Senate plan. Over 2300 people responded between 5pm March 28 and 1pm March 29. By comparison, overnight online polls for 9th district daily newspapers receive about 500 responses on hot issues.

Norwood says the current danger to America is that the Democratic amnesty plan might gain the support of a minority of Republicans to win passage, in spite of overwhelming public opposition.

"Unless we can convince our Republican Senators and House Members to stand up for the American people, we risk having Congress telling the voters of this country to take a hike," says Norwood. "Every last person who responded to this survey needs to be on the phone with their Senator's office today, telling them what they told us."
